Vesseling Grief: A Workshop on Supporting Loss
Facilitated by Rev. Jessica Steward 💌 By Invitation Only 💌 Friday, October 6, 2023 TO BE RESCHEDULED 6:00pm to 8:30pm Held at Private Residence All Supplies Included Here is a simple truth: if you are a human, you have experienced grief. If you have known love, you have known loss. [...]
Savoring Summer: A Seasonal Invitation to Sink In and Slow Down
Facilitated by Lantern Keeper Jen Trulson 7 weeks of slowing down, tuning into the season, and savoring summer Weekly prompts and videos with two zoom gatherings on 8/1 and 8/30 at 5pm PT / 8pm ET July 17 through August 30th, 2023 Summer is the annual permission slip to be [...]
The Heart of Who We Are Book Circle
A Collective Liberation Book Circle Facilitated by Rev. Jessica Steward and Lantern Keeper Jen Trulson Tuesdays at 5pm PT/8pm ET; Begins April 25 through July 11, 2023 (We meet on Wednesday, July 5, 2023.) Realizing Freedom Together. “The heart of truth can be found in all things, in all circumstances, [...]
Weekly Creative Rest Circle
A March Creative + Rest Offering Facilitated by Lantern Keeper and Daring to Rest Facilitator Jen Trulson Inspiration is in the air. We are at the tail end of Winter, approaching Spring. Mother Earth is waking up. With the light growing longer each day, I felt the urge to collage [...]
Rest to Remember: A 21-Day Journey to Rest & Restore
Rest to Remember...What Matter Most. Facilitated by Lantern Keeper Jen Trulson 3 Rest Meditations; 4 Live Gather & Reflection Circles Thursdays at 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET February 2, 9, 16, 23 2023 “Rest is a practice that offers unconditional love and support while revealing that which has been hidden from view.” [...]
Divine Dialogues: Writing as a Path to the Sacred
The Divine Beckons. ✨8 Writers; 8 Divine Dialogue Invitations; 8 Weeks of Deep Writing ✨Registration Closes January 13, 2023; First Prompt Arrives January 18, 2023; Live Circle Begins January 22, 2023 Come. Enter the cave of your heart and listen. Listen. Listen. Listen. The Divine is always in dialogue with [...]
Deepen Into the Mystery
Come shine your light on the shore of the Great Mystery. Use modern means to explore ancient wisdom traditions and stay up-to-date on the latest offerings, inspiration, and resources available for you as a Seeker, Skeptic, or Scamp.
Receive an invitation to join our always-free online community, The House of Belonging, once you sign up.