A Summer Solstice Reflection with Lisa Hatlestad
This summer reflection begins on a quiet winter evening last February, as two friends and I paused on our stroll along the shore of Lake Itasca, where we were staying for the weekend. “What's that drumming?” One friend asked. I felt a shock of surprise as I realized neither of [...]
Myth for Summer
Summer is a season of feminine liberation. The old has been shed and the journey to full initiation is ready to be crowned as the bejeweled rite it is. We dare to burst forth with the power of our regenerative natures in full expression for all to behold. Let us [...]
Remember Who You Are: Catching Up with Best-selling Author Pamela Slim
Who's going to tell the stories that matter? Rev. Jessica Steward sits down with author, coach, and friend Pamela Slim to find out. “Fuck! Babe! What have you been up to for the past two years?” I’ve known business coach and author Pamela Slim for nearly fifteen years and her [...]
A Spring Reflection with Criss Turner
It is a time of trembling emergence. This is a term Tamira Cousett used in a podcast conversation with Shauna Janz this February: Elder Wisdom Why Now. When I heard it, my soul reverberated 'yes'. I believe this is the call of our time. To learn how to emerge, trembling, together. [...]
A Myth for Spring
Spring, in Greek mythology, is when Persephone was granted six months of the year leave by Zeus from the Underworld to be with her mother Demeter. When Demeter is reunited with her daughter she offers her gifts of warmth and bounty once again to the earth and Spring arrives. Never [...]
Spirit Speaks: Writing as a Spiritual Practice
Writing as a path to the Sacred. A conversation can be a contest, or a game of catch with invisible balloons. They bounce between us, growing and shrinking, sometimes floating like cloud medicine balls, and sometimes bowling at us like round anvils. You toss a phrase and understanding blooms [...]
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