A Sanctuary for Seekers, Skeptics, and Scamps
A Mighty Kindness is a modern interspiritual movement — dedicated to sharing of ultimate experiences across traditions — that holds at its core that kindness towards oneself and others will be our collective liberation as a planet. A Mighty Kindness is dedicated to offering interspiritual circles, retreats, events, and resources to support an individual’s spiritual exploration and search for meaning within a community of like-minded, like-spirited members. A Mighty Kindness is actively anti-racist and is devoted to justice, equity, diversity, liberation, and inclusivity for all its members.
All seekers, skeptics, and scamps are welcome here.
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Deepen Into the Mystery
Come shine your light on the shore of the Great Mystery. Use modern means to explore ancient wisdom traditions and stay up-to-date on the latest offerings, inspiration, and resources available for you as a Seeker, Skeptic, or Scamp.
Receive an invitation to join our always-free online community, The House of Belonging, once you sign up.
About Us
A persistent and provocative question has been worrying at the back of Rev. Jessica Steward’s mind for her entire life: How do we remake the world into a place where everyone who has felt excluded, left out, or othered—anyone who thinks a little different, sees the beauty of the world in a different way, or who has never quite fit in—are not only welcomed but celebrated?
It was only in February 2016 that the answer finally began to reveal itself to her. During a sermon that Rev. Steward delivered at The Portland New Church in Portland, Maine, she asked the congregation this question: How do we overcome the casual indifference, outright fear-mongering, and senseless barbarism of our world in order to not only reshape it but fall back in love with it?
Her proposal is both simple yet difficult. We must commit to a deliberate act of revolution, through kindness, that is focused on our redemption as a people and a planet. We do this by creating engaged, accountable, and loving communities committed to deliberately bringing more understanding, love, compassion, advocacy, and healing to our global society.
And that’s where you come in…
At A Mighty Kindness, we offer a sanctuary for you: the seekers, skeptics, and scamps who are eager to bring real and lasting change to the world and their communities. We do this by providing resources and support to help you explore and understand universal and spiritual concepts from the world’s religions, ancient wisdom traditions, and global philosophies—along with historical and scientific context.
Our goal is to offer a communal refuge to help broaden your perspectives, deepen your insights, and gently begin to dismantle the harmful and archaic belief systems that may hold us back as a society. Our hope is that through our shared exploration, we can begin to reshape our too-nice world into a deeply kind and inclusive one.
At A Mighty Kindness, our humble goal is to support people who have at the core of their existence one fundamental question: how can I be a force for good in this world? And then, as a community, we help each other get there because together, we shall be a mighty kindness.
Our Offerings
Kind Words

“If you want to be a part of a sacred and safe community where, as Parker Palmer says, your soul can emerge, please join anything that A Mighty Kindness is offering.”

“Jessica helped our relationship to grow and become stronger in the weeks leading up to our wedding. She took everything that was dear and special to us as a couple and embodied it into the ceremony.”

“If you have the slightest inclination to work with Jessica, please follow that instinct. There is no better person to help you unwind and reclaim your relationship with your religion and spirituality. She will help you make sense of where you have been and more importantly help you map out where you can go from here.”

“Anyone who is lucky enough to work with Jessica will be transformed you can bet your life!!”