A Safer Space Policy

A Mighty Kindness and The House of Belonging

At A Mighty Kindness and in The House of Belonging Online Community, we believe that we best actualize as individuals when we do so within a safe and loving community. Therefore, we recognize that deeply transformational spiritual work is not possible without safer spaces. 

No space can be completely safe and free from oppression, which is why we use the term “safer space.”  However, we would like our circles and online community to be welcoming and engaging, and we encourage everyone to be proactive in creating an atmosphere where the safety of others is valued. 

A Mighty Kindness and The House of Belonging Online Community serves as a sanctuary for people of all backgrounds, including those with spiritual or cultural wounding, and any form of abuse or discrimination will not be tolerated.

Everyone entering a circle at A Mighty Kindness or joining our online community—The House of Belonging—is asked to be aware of their language and behavior, and to think about whether it might be harmful or oppressive to others. This is no space for violence, for offering advice to people without their consent, for being intolerant of someone’s beliefs or lack thereof, for being creepy, sleazy, racist, ageist, sexist, hetero-sexist, trans-phobic, able-bodiest, classist, sizist, or for using any other behavior or language that may perpetuate oppression.

Respect everyone’s physical and emotional boundaries. For in-person circles or events, please ask first before touching. Overall, listen and change your behavior if someone tells you that you are making them uncomfortable. Check in before discussing topics that might be triggering (e.g. sexual abuse, sexual experiences, physical violence, or encounters with the police).

We honor that what is needed to feel “safe” is different for everyone. If someone tells you that something you’ve said or done has made them feel unsafe, we ask that you respond by listening, rather than getting defensive. A person sharing this vulnerable information with you is an opportunity to build a better relationship and a stronger community. 

If someone says or does something that makes you feel unsafe and you do not feel comfortable addressing it with them directly, you are welcome to approach your circle facilitator or community moderator or to email us at bekind@amightykindness.org.

The team at A Mighty Kindness acknowledges that we are bound by the same code of conduct. If a team member or representative violates the terms of Safer Space, we welcome you to address it with us directly.

By entering a circle at A Mighty Kindness, and/or participating in the activities of The House of Belonging, you agree to abide by these guidelines.

Thank you for your commitment to making A Mighty Kindness and The House of Belonging Community a place where everybody can show up and participate as their full selves!

We welcome the continuing discussion about and improvement of this policy.