The Last Hurrah: Creating a Final Celebration of YOU

Starts November 1, 2022; 4 Sessions, 5 Weeks

Facilitated by Rev. Jessica Steward

[Registration is limited to 12 people]

In this 5-week, 4-session circle, join a small group of fellow celebrants as we delve into envisioning your last hurrah: the final celebration of YOU! In this powerful and uplifting (yes! uplifting) circle, we’ll explore death rites and rituals from around the world, go deep into your belief systems on death/dying as well as the legacy you want to leave behind, and then get pragmatic—and creative—in designing your final celebration of life. Through this experience, you’ll not only get clear on how you want to be celebrated as part of your legacy, but will also be given a clear sense of how you might change the way you are living today in order to live more intentionally and with more purpose. We’ll share our visions with each other and also talk about how to share this profound and moving experience with your loved ones. Registration now open.

The Way to Pray: Practices for Connecting to Spirit From Around the World

Coming Fall 2022

Facilitated by Rev. Jessica Steward

For many, the idea of “prayer” has a very specific, limited, and religious connotation. It can stir a vision of a child, kneeling at the foot of their bed, praying to God for something good to happen in their lives or the lives of a loved one. Let’s go deeper than that, shall we? In this 8-week, experiential and hands-on circle, you’ll both learn and try different forms of prayer practices from around the world and from different traditions. Together we’ll begin to just barely scratch the surface of the numerous ways available to us to connect, honor, and commune with the sacred. Through this circle, you’ll not only learn to appreciate prayer practices from around the world but will be supported in develop a more meaningful and intimate prayer practice of your own that nourishes, expands, and uplifts your sense of connection to the Divine every day. Coming Summer of 2022. Join the waitlist to be the first to learn when registration opens.


The Gift of Rest As Spiritual Nourishment

TBD 2022

Facilitated by Lantern Keeper Jen Trulson

For two years, we’ve been in a state of heightened awareness, stress, and fear that has left many of us run-down, utterly depleted, and thoroughly exhausted. In this 8-week, fully-experiential circle, join Lantern Keeper Jen Trulson as she guides you in learning and experiencing the calming, healing, and expansive yogic practice of Yoga Nidra. Each week you will be given light instruction and then let go of all doing while receiving a guided rest practice. Give yourself the gift of rest…and return to the waking world with a restored spirit, regulated nervous system, and a remembering of what matters most. TBD 2022. Join the waitlist to be the first to learn when registration opens.


Quiet ConTemplation: Exploring Contemplative Living

TBD 2022

Facilitated by Lantern Keeper Jen Trulson

[Registration limited to 12]

What does it mean to live a contemplative life? No, it’s not just sitting around, thinking about this, that, or the other thing. Contemplation is a form of spirituality and spiritual expression that uses different practices to help us deepen into silence—letting go of our habitual thoughts, sensations, and feelings—in order to connect to a truth greater than ourselves. It supports us in being with the whole of life and responding to it rather than reacting. In this 6-week circle, join Lantern Keeper Jen Trulson to learn and—more importantly—try different contemplative practices to help you live a more contemplative life from a place of love, grace, and wonder. Coming TBD 2022. Join the waitlist to be the first to learn when registration opens.


Deepen Into the Mystery

Come shine your light on the shore of the Great Mystery. Use modern means to explore ancient wisdom traditions and stay up-to-date on the latest offerings, inspiration, and resources available for you as a Seeker, Skeptic, or Scamp.

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