Writing as a Spiritual Practice
Weekly from April 17 through May 22, 2022
Facilitated by Rev. Jessica Steward
[Registration is limited to 6 people]
As miraculous creatures, we are always in conversation with ourselves and with spirit. But are we really listening? Are we tuned in to that inner voice and have we quieted our mind enough to really hear what is being said? In this intimate circle, six kindred souls will learn how to “listen generously” to your higher self and to tap into its deepest wisdom. Using a powerful and transformative form of writing called “Proprioceptive Writing,” you will learn how to slow down your thoughts and begin to focus on what is called “inner hearing.” Together, we will learn how to listen to our inner voice with empathy and curiosity in order to connect with spirit and gain insights that open both our hearts and minds.
Deepen Into the Mystery
Come shine your light on the shore of the Great Mystery. Use modern means to explore ancient wisdom traditions and stay up-to-date on the latest offerings, inspiration, and resources available for you as a Seeker, Skeptic, or Scamp.
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