Come Rest in the Soul of Kindness
“Paradoxically, then, a group of humans becomes healing and converting only after its members have learned to stop trying to heal and convert. Community is a safe place precisely because no one is attempting to heal or convert you, to fix you, to change you. Instead, the members accept you as you are. You are free to be you. And being so free, you are free to discard defenses, masks, disguises; free to seek your own psychological and spiritual health; free to become your whole and holy self.”
—Scott Peck, A Different Drum
At A Mighty Kindness, community is the soul of our organization and essential to our ability to nurture each other’s light and be a witness to each other’s growth and evolution. Our goal here is to not only offer a sanctuary for people to explore spiritual concepts and self-actualize within our circles but to offer a platform for you to continue your exploration, connection, and growth via an online, virtual network.
“To be holy is to be home, to be able to rest in the house of belonging that we call the soul.”
—John O’Donohue, Anam Cara
The House of Belonging is an online community that offers free resources, conversation, and connection for you and your fellow seekers, skeptics, and scamps to support you on your spiritual journey. In addition to a professionally moderated community forum, The House of Belonging will offer multiple free community offerings throughout the month, including regular invitations and discussions in our online home. Our paid circles will also include private online groups and forums that are conveniently accessible right from within The House of Belonging.
Community Benefits
The House of Belonging (HoB) is hosted on a private community platform. We have very deliberately chosen to move away from other popular public platforms [ahem, Facebook] because we deeply value your privacy and safety. While HoB membership is free, you will be asked a few questions prior to having your membership approved. Additionally, HoB offers professional group moderation for members based on standard community guidelines (aka kind-lines) to ensure a level of ongoing engagement and support that meets our members’ needs.
A Mighty Kindness and The House of Belonging are committed to providing a safer space for everyone. Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) principles are at the core of our values as an organization. We are committed to the ongoing education of our leadership circle, our community and circle facilitators, and provide resources for our staff and our community members. Upon joining HoB, all members are asked to positively affirm their active commitment to not commit harm within the community.
Community Support & Connection
The House of Belonging offers a professionally-moderated forum for community members to ask questions, find resources, and participate in conversations on a wide variety of spiritual, philosophical, professional, and historical topics related to spirituality and infusing more spiritual practices and meaning into our lives and work.
Free Resources & Inspiration
Free community offerings are an essential part of nurturing our ongoing connection with each other in The House of Belonging. Each month, we will offer online invitations for discussion, reflection, as well as for celebration. Rev. Jessica Steward will also offer a monthly “Sermon on the Couch,” with post-sermon community and fellowship to enjoy conversation and camaraderie. The Prioress of The House of Belonging, Jen Trulson, will also offer Monthly Healing Circles that will include a mix of the community gathering to offer healing to one another or leading participants in a ritual for healing oneself.
Integrated Access to Paid Circles
While ongoing community discussions, support, connection, and free offerings are always available in The House of Belonging, inevitably you will be drawn to join one of our paid Book Circles, Creative Circles, or Inner Sanctum Circles. These circles will always offer a private online community component and will be fully accessible from within The House of Belonging to help create a seamless, integrated community experience.
Deepen Into the Mystery
Come shine your light on the shore of the Great Mystery. Use modern means to explore ancient wisdom traditions and stay up-to-date on the latest offerings, inspiration, and resources available for you as a Seeker, Skeptic, or Scamp.
Receive an invitation to join our always-free online community, The House of Belonging, once you sign up.